Modern Medicine, Reimagined: A Revolutionary New Approach

Welcome to the Medicine of the Future…. Today!

Join Dr. Raphael Kellman and our community so you can live a better and healthier future.

Medicine has come a long way since its humble beginnings, however even with all the medical advances we have made, people are sicker than ever.

What Are We Missing?

We need to completely reimagine our approach to health and healing. Our current medical model is a paradigm predominantly built around disease and how to fight it off. Rather than fighting the body to kill off disease, which really puts us at war with our body, we should focus on how we activate the body’s innate healing abilities to restore health and healing, as well as improve wellness.

We must tap into our body’s innate intelligence.

Moreover, modern medicine tends to silo conditions and the responses to them into different areas of medicine. We go to a doctor to treat each system in the body. The advent of functional or integrative medicine, which focuses on a whole-body approach to medicine, certainly has moved modern medicine in the right direction, but it still does not fully provide the solution.

The answer is far deeper. Our approach to medicine and healing is focused on a more ecological understanding of health. It is based on an understanding of all the interconnections within the body and in many ways, seeing the unseen! The tiny ecosystem of microorganisms that reside in our gut, also known as the microbiome, plays a role in nearly every physiological process in the body, it impacts every cell in the body and even regulates gene expression. The microbiome functions like “software.” It can direct and regulate how our body functions – it even has the ability to turn on/off genes which may promote inflammation or reduce inflammation. Imbalances at this microscopic level can negatively impact numerous systems in the body, which results in symptoms that in some cases cannot be easily explained. Understanding these relationships and the delicate balance needed to achieve true healing to unique to our practice.

Each microorganism and every cell plays a vital role in our overall health. Each cell uses just enough energy to meet its needs to survive – no more. This is the beauty of the body, there is no selfishness, and each cell’s focus is on the greater needs of the body as a whole. This is a level of unity that we don’t often see and something that we could learn from nature. Promoting unity at all levels; family, society, the environment, as well as in the microbiome is what truly heals.

To truly address complex health conditions and to provide real healing, we must look beyond what we can see. Dr. Kellman’s approach is much more intuitive, and it taps into our body’s innate healing capacity. This level of understanding is why our approach to health and healing is so unique and so effective. Medicine of the Future is about understanding this interconnectedness and how nature is integrated as a whole.

Disease is simply a breakdown in that unity or a glitch in the software.

This could be due to viruses, toxins, emotional trauma, or our psychological state of mind. Understanding how our body is integrated as a whole and the role that microbiome plays is the key to true healing and long-term wellness. The gut microbiome as the “chief integrator” plays a crucial role in providing “software updates” and rebooting the system.

Have you heard the expression of feeling something “in the gut?” Or having a “gut reaction?” This is our organic intelligence. The microbiome is the ultimate software and when there is a glitch in that software, which is the root cause of many chronic conditions.

This crucial level of understanding and intuitive component of medicine is what makes Dr. Kellman’s approach so unique and so effective.

Are you ready to join us on the journey to ultimate healing and long-term wellness?

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