
The Gut Microbiome: Mastering the Art of Healthy Aging

The pursuit of longevity and healthy aging has captured human interest for centuries. Recent scientific advances underscore the importance of extrinsic factors such as lifestyle and diet in controlling healthy aging and, by extension, longevity. Central to this process is the gut microbiome, a dynamic community of microorganisms that inhabit […]

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Power Up: Effective Strategies for Mitochondrial Health

Mitochondrial dysfunction is indeed a central factor in many health conditions, as mitochondria are critical for energy production and overall cellular function. Given the fact that the mitochondria are the “powerhouse of the cell,” when our mitochondria are impaired, it feels a bit like someone has pulled the power cord. […]

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NAD+ Explained: Boosting Cellular Health for a Better You

Can a small molecule which is naturally found in nearly every cell in the body hold the key to slowing the aging process?  NAD+ injections and IV drips have recently become a popular go to health, wellness and anti-aging treatment to celebrities, fashion elites and wellness gurus. What is NAD+? […]

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Mitochondrial Health: The Key to Total Wellness

When we think about our body, imagine it is like a house. No matter how fancy the furnishings, pretty the painted walls nor how upscale the bathrooms are, if we have a crack in our foundation, then our house will always be at risk of collapse. Similarly, ensuring our body […]

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Modern Medicine, Reimagined: A Revolutionary New Approach

Welcome to the Medicine of the Future…. Today! Join Dr. Raphael Kellman and our community so you can live a better and healthier future. Medicine has come a long way since its humble beginnings, however even with all the medical advances we have made, people are sicker than ever. What […]

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Foundational vs Functional Medicine

The emergence of Functional medicine represented a historic change in our approach to medicine and overall health. First introduced by Dr. Jeffrey Bland through his establishment of the Institute for Functional Medicine in the 1990s, functional medicine sought to move away from a drug-based approach to disease to a focus […]

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Your Body’s Natural Ozempic

Did you know that these new weight lose medications (i.e., Ozempic, Wegovy) actually mimic a compound our body already produces? These GLP-1 agonist medications, or semaglutide, mimic a hormone our bodies, specifically our gut, already produce. GLP-1 agonists help to curb hunger and cravings by regulating blood sugar and also […]

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Strategy of Repurposing Medications: Counterintelligence to Paralyze Cancer

In the battle against cancer, traditional therapies often feel like a game of catch-up. Cancer’s ability to adapt and evolve quickly outpaces the development of new treatments. However, a revolutionary and hopeful strategy has emerged: repurposing existing medications to target cancer.  This approach transforms our understanding and treatment of cancer, […]

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