Brain Fog

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Brain Fog Raphael Kellman, M.D. New York City

Brain fog is a common term, which often refers to a feeling of confusion, lack of focus, and mental fatigue. Most of us have experienced brain fog at some point. While only a minor inconvenience for many people, recurring brain fog can be symptomatic of a larger issue.

Raphael Kellman, M.D. is well-known across New York City and the country for his ability to identify and treat conditions often missed by other doctors, largely thanks to his unique approach to healing the body and mind. Part of his unique approach to medicine is his groundbreaking focus on the gut microbiome. Dr. Kellman’s focus on “Microbiome Medicine” focuses on the power of the microbiome and its role in nearly every physiological process in the body. The radically new approach to health and health allows us to not only improve our overall health, as well as prevent disease, but in many cases slow the progression of disease or even reverse its course!

While other practitioners are only now realizing the importance of the microbiome, Dr. Kellman has been developing this knowledge and expertise for decades.

If you are experiencing long-term brain fog and do not feel like yourself, Dr. Kellman can help you find the root cause of the problem. Schedule your consultation today to discuss your status and treat your brain fog at its source. If you have any other questions or would prefer to schedule over the phone, feel free to call the Medicine of Tomorrow Manhattan office at (212) 717-1118.

About Brain Fog

Brain fog can set in as a symptom of various conditions, and can manifest differently in each person. Whether you experience confusion, memory loss or psychological fatigue, different conditions affect the brain just as much as any other organ. By combining conventional and functional medical disciplines, Dr. Kellman can trace your brain fog back to its ultimate source and treat your underlying conditions.

Many doctors treat brain fog as a psychological condition or potentially a neurological condition. Since it is a rather non-specific symptom which may not point directly to an easily diagnosed condition, they may try different therapeutic treatments until something works or all available options are exhausted. Some doctors may ignore it all together, not seeing it as a real or significant symptom.

Dr. Kellman understands that the body needs to be treated holistically and that brain fog can be a response to underlying issues elsewhere.

Dr. Kellman most commonly sees brain fog as a result of a few key conditions:

Long COVID-19

A third of all COVID-19 patients experience long-term complications in respiration, taste, digestion, cognition, and more even post-infection. While other issues may fade, many patients still struggle with a persisting brain fog that complicates their thinking, perception, and information recall. (1)

Autoimmune Diseases and Cancers

Nearly 40% of individuals with chronic diseases like fibromyalgia and lupus experience some kind of cognitive fog as a result of persistent pain. The “fibro-fog” phenomenon is well-documented in fibromyalgia patients and is known to interfere with attention and memory. (2) Another well-documented fog is the “chemo-brain” that cancer patients experience. (3) Exposure to radiation and chemicals can create complications like high blood pressure and hormonal changes and the physical and mental stress of cancer itself can weaken mental capacities and lead to fogginess. (3)

Heavy Metal or Mold Toxicity

Individuals exposed to heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and manganese are more likely to develop brain fog due to an increased risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s. These metals are neurotoxicants that can inhibit body functions like nutrient distribution, leading to cognitive decline and other problems. (4) Similarly, individuals who have lengthy exposure to mold spores report brain fog and other negative cognitive symptoms. Mold can trigger an immune reaction similar to how your body would handle a bacterial or viral fever and spur confusion and fogginess. (5)

Chronic Fatigue

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis, or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, is a condition that causes patients to have a constant feeling of low energy and extreme weakness. Someone with ME/CFS may be stuck in bed for days following a simple activity like cooking a meal. (6) The condition is much more than a lack of energy and can cause physical pain, a weakened immune system, and sleep issues. Brain fog can set in as a complication from these compounded issues. Dr. Kellman has various ME/CFS treatments available and can help you improve if this is the cause of your brain fog.

Gastrointestinal Issues

Dr. Kellman is one of the nation’s leading experts in the relationship between psychological processes and digestive health, with a focus on the gut microbiome. Brain fog is a normal symptom of poor diet or nutrient malabsorption. It can also be a side effect of conditions like D-lactic acidosis along with gas and bloating, as well as a complication of countless other conditions. (7)

Cognitive Decline

Age can bring complications like dementia and Alzheimer’s, as well as any level of otherwise unspecified cognitive decline. If these symptoms are seen at an abnormally young age, then it could be an indication of fatigue syndromes. (8) Dr. Kellman helps these patients prevent further mental decline by identifying issues before they become worse.

These are also only some of the many different causes of brain fog. Dr. Kellman’s expertise in functional medicine means that you will receive the best treatment available with a holistic approach. Schedule your consultation soon to return to the clear mind you are used to!

Benefits of Brain Fog Treatment

Regardless of the cause of your brain fog, living life knowing your brain is not working at its most powerful is not only frustrating, but it can hold you back from your goals too. When you investigate your brain fog with Dr. Kellman, you will be able to experience:

  • Faster thinking
  • Improved memory
  • More focused concentration
  • Elimination of “light-headed” and “dissociated” feelings
  • Improved multitasking abilities
  • Increased energy and alertness
  • Better sleep
  • Boosted productivity and creativity
  • Less frustration and anger
  • Less confusion
  • Feeling like yourself again

What Makes Dr. Kellman Different from Other Doctors?

Brain Fog Raphael Kellman, M.D. New York City

Dr. Kellman is regularly able to find solutions for patients’ conditions where other doctors have failed. He takes a unique approach to medicine that focuses on examining how an issue alters all of the body’s natural processes, rather than just treating symptoms. He is also a leading expert in the gut microbiome and he understands the direct link between gut health and our cognitive health.

What is Microbiome Medicine?

Microbiome Medicine is Dr. Kellman’s specialized approach to medicine. He believes that the health of this tiny ecosystem of bacteria inside your digestive tract, known as the gut microbiome, powerfully influences the homeostasis and healing of the rest of the body. He finds that most conditions are improved and symptoms alleviated with some degree of improvement to the gut microbiome.


There is no age minimum or prerequisite condition to receive treatment. If you are experiencing some level of brain fog or cognitive fatigue that will not clear, we encourage you to meet with Dr. Kellman to receive his expert advice and treatment.

Personal Consultation

New patients’ treatments always begin with an initial consultation with Dr. Kellman. One pillar of his approach to functional medicine is knowing that each patient’s situation is different. By taking the time to meet with you, he can fully invest in your treatment to provide the results you are looking for. Because brain fog is such a diverse condition, meeting with Dr. Kellman allows him to understand your unique situation and hear firsthand the difficulties you are facing.

If you are suffering from brain fog, see a doctor who understands. Schedule your free consultation to discuss treatment with Dr. Kellman today.

Getting the Help You Need

Treating your brain fog will depend heavily on its causes. However, because of his advances in gut microbiome studies, one of the first treatments Dr. Kellman may suggest is a diet shift. Lighter meals full of probiotics and antioxidants may help to “reset” the digestive tract and promote the growth of helpful bacteria. Increased exercise and vitamin D supplementation may also help cut through the fog.

Dr. Kellman offers advanced therapy technologies to treat the underlying conditions that can cause brain fog. One that has shown success is Magnesphere therapy. This subjects the whole body to low-level electromagnetic fields to fight pain, inflammation, and swelling and recalibrates the nervous system to optimize its healing potential. (9) Similarly, Pulse Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses the beneficial effects of electromagnetic fields to alter the body’s environment so cells and organs will adapt to perform at their best. (10) PEMF uses controlled pulses to alter the body’s state, while Magnesphere therapy uses continuous, prolonged exposure. Medicine of Tomorrow also offers NovoTHOR® Whole Body Red Light Therapy, an innovative phototherapy treatment that uses red and infrared light to boost cell growth, reduce joint pain, assist in weight loss, and increase energy efficiency. (11) Professional athletes have trusted red light therapy for their recoveries, and Dr. Kellman is one of the few doctors to see its healing potential in the medical field.

Results and Recovery

It is important to follow Dr. Kellman’s instructions on how to best maintain your mental clarity. These will be different for each patient, but one important general recommendation is to form healthy eating and exercise habits. Boosting your metabolism, nourishing your body properly, and eliminating toxins are the best ways to keep brain fog at bay.

Cost of Brain Fog Treatment in NYC

Because brain fog can take many forms and is a symptom of countless different conditions, there is no one set cost for your treatment. Pricing depends on the underlying causes, the time spent investigating your condition, and your treatment plan. The best way to receive an accurate estimate is by discussing pricing with Dr. Kellman at your consultation. Medicine of Tomorrow is here to guide you and can happily answer your questions if you call (212) 717-1118.


Is brain fog the reason I cannot focus?

Concentration issues are one of the most common effects of brain fog. This likely is why you cannot focus, but it is unlikely that it is the underlying root cause of the fog.

What causes brain fog?

Brain fog can be caused by anything, but some of the most common causes are poor diet, depression, poor gut microbiome health, hormone imbalances, long-term COVID-19 complications, cognitive decline, medication side effects, migraines, chronic pain, and more.

Is brain fog permanent?

No. Brain fog can be transient or chronic, depending on the circumstances surrounding its occurrence. With appropriate interventions, many individuals see considerable alleviation of symptoms.

How long does it take to see results?

Results can vary based on the individual; many patients report positive changes within weeks of implementing recommended strategies.


  1. Krishnan K, Lin Y, Prewitt KRM, Potter DA. Multidisciplinary Approach to Brain Fog and Related Persisting Symptoms Post COVID-19. Journal of Health Service Psychology. 2022;48(1):31-38. doi:
  2. Dass R, Kalia M, Harris J, Packham T. Understanding the Experience and Impacts of Brain Fog in Chronic Pain: A Scoping Review. Canadian Journal of Pain = Revue Canadienne De La Douleur. 2023;7(1):2217865. doi:
  3. What is Chemo Brain? | American Cancer Society.
  4. Bakulski KM, Seo YA, Hickman RC, et al. Heavy Metals Exposure and Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Dementias. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease : JAD. 2020;76(4):1215-1242. doi:
  5. Harding CF, Pytte CL, Page KG, et al. Mold inhalation causes innate immune activation, neural, cognitive and emotional dysfunction. Brain, Behavior, and Immunity. 2020;87:218-228. doi:
  6. CDC. Symptoms of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Published May 22, 2024.
  7. Rao SSC, Rehman A, Yu S, Andino NM de. Brain fogginess, gas and bloating: a link between SIBO, probiotics and metabolic acidosis. Clinical and Translational Gastroenterology. 2018;9(6). doi:
  8. Ocon AJ. Caught in the thickness of brain fog: exploring the cognitive symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Frontiers in Physiology. 2013;4. doi:
  9. Arabloo J, Hamouzadeh P, Mobinizadeh M, et al. Health technology assessment of magnet therapy for relieving pain. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic Of Iran. 2017;31(1):184-188. doi:
  10. Flatscher J, Elizabeth Pavez Loriè, Rainer Mittermayr, et al. Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMF)—Physiological Response and Its Potential in Trauma Treatment. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023;24(14):11239-11239. doi:
  11. Hamblin MR. Mechanisms and applications of the anti-inflammatory effects of photobiomodulation. AIMS Biophysics. 2017;4(3):337-361. doi: