Lyme Disease

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Lyme disease is a chronic condition, which is a growing epidemic, partly due to the fact that it is often misdiagnosed. Lyme is known as the great “masquerader” as it is associated with a wide range of symptoms, which often resemble other health conditions, making it difficult to diagnose.

Even the best tests often miss the diagnosis of Lyme. Lyme disease is caused by an immune response to a type of bacteria that is passed through a tick bite, usually a deer tick. These ticks carry a corkscrew-shaped bacterium called Borrelia burgdorferi. Once this bacterium is transmitted into the bloodstream, it triggers an immune response which results in autoimmune-like symptoms within a few weeks to a few months.

Research shows that reducing inflammation is an essential component of healing Lyme disease. Most conventional therapies are primarily focused on addressing the initial infection, rather than dealing with the inflammatory component of this condition. When the immune system is overactive, not only can it cause damage and symptoms, but it can also weaken immune function. This makes it very difficult for the immune system to overcome infections. This leads to a vicious cycle.

“Classic” Lyme symptoms such as chills, fatigue, headache, and joint pain often resemble a wide variety of other conditions. Common conventional medicine often relies on a positive test for Lyme prior to treatment. Many of the current antibody-based Lyme testing requires a person to be infected for several weeks before it would register a positive test for Lyme disease. Testing issues, combined with the lack of specificity with regard to symptoms, result in a significant number of misdiagnoses.

The traditional course of treatment for Lyme disease is antibiotics, however the long-term benefits of this approach is questionable. Untreated Lyme disease can cause serious infections and considerable health complications including damage to nerves, blood vessels, the degeneration of joints resulting in arthritis symptoms, as well as complications with the immune and endocrine system.

Unlike conventional medicine, our unique approach focuses on diagnosing Lyme based on symptoms, rather than only test results.


  • Joint pain
  • Fatigue
  • Chills
  • Headache
  • Occasional, a Lyme “bullseye” rash

However, there are other symptoms that are often harder to explain, including:

  • Feeling of electrical current throughout the body
  • Strange “creepy crawly” sensation
  • Head pressure
  • Dizziness
  • Sensation of “being out of your own body.”

Unfortunately, these symptoms are often disregarded by many doctors, or they do not link them to a possible Lyme infection.

Further, many other health conditions are associated with Lyme disease, such as coinfections, heavy metal toxicity, hypothyroidism, mold, as well as parasites. Low thyroid function could have preceded the Lyme disease, or it could have occurred post infection. This can further contribute to a depressed immune system, which prevents the body from fending off this infection. Moreover, alterations to the microbiome is another component of both the cause and the effect of Lyme disease. Therefore, a sequential and comprehensive approach to the treatment of Lyme is required to successfully treat and resolve symptoms.

Given Dr. Kellman’s extensive experience treating Lyme patients, he is able to provide a wide range of therapies and personalized treatment protocols to address all aspects of this condition. His unique approach is individualized for each patient and many of us patients are able to finally get resolution to their symptoms, even after suffering for years without relief.  Dr. Kellman’s deep understanding of the pathophysiology of Lyme and how it wreaks havoc on the immune system, as well as the entire body, addresses the root cause of these symptoms, which is why his approach is so effective.


  • Peptide therapy using compounds such as Thymosin Alpha 1, which has profound immune modulating effects and Dihexa, which helps to address and heal any associated nerve damage, can be tremendously effective at reducing inflammation and balancing the immune system.
  • Methylene Blue, which is a medicinal dye, is also an effective remedy for persistent Bartonella and Lyme disease.
  • Appropriate antibiotic therapy and other medications may be appropriate in some cases.
    • Azlocillin is the most effective antibiotic for Lyme and its coinfections.
    • Other medications such as Disulfiram, which has been shown to be effective against the persister cells of borrelia and helps to reduce symptoms, also can aid in achieving remission.
  • IV therapy, including UVB light, includes Dr. Kellman’s neuro-Lyme IV protocol, which contains various compounds, namely Phenylbutyrate, which reduces inflammation, improves brain function, and significantly reduce with brain fog – a common symptom of people suffering with Lyme. UVB light has an anti-microbial effect, balances the immune system, as well as reduces inflammation.
  • Innovative technologies like:
    • The Magnosphere to improve the autonomic nervous system and POTS-related symptoms. POTS syndrome (postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome) is a nervous system disorder which causes lightheadedness and fainting when a person stands up and is seen in some Lyme patients.
    • The Novothor can aid fatigue and improve energy.
  • Medicinal herbs, botanicals, and other natural compounds, which have natural anti-microbial properties, may also be used as part of the treatment protocol.
  • Appropriate treatment of underactive thyroid function, with natural, compounded thyroid hormone.
  • Natural Supplements and Nutrition/Diet Protocols to address any gut dysfunction and to successfully rebalance the microbiome.

Even if you have had Lyme previously, but are still suffering from residual symptoms, we can help.