Thyroid Disease

Conveniently located to serve the areas of New York, NY

Thyroid disease has reached near-epidemic proportions. The thyroid is the “master gland” that regulates our metabolism and energy levels, affecting all body organs. Thyroid hormones are necessary for nearly every cell in the body. But despite this gland’s importance, thyroid dysfunction is one of the most frequently misdiagnosed conditions. According to the American Thyroid Association, up to 60% of people with this dysfunction are completely unaware, which means that millions of people suffer from incorrect treatment or no treatment at all!

It is a common story and one we hear every day at Medicine of Tomorrow in New York City. Many patients come to us experiencing classic symptoms of thyroid dysfunction such as fatigue, brain fog, and weight gain, yet doctor after doctor has told them their thyroid is perfectly fine and there is nothing wrong with them. Time and time again, these patients fall through the cracks as routine thyroid function tests are extremely limited and are often an insufficient solution for proper diagnosis.

Are you tired of feeling awful and being offered no answers? Or have you been told your symptoms are all in your mind? Where conventional medicine has failed, Dr. Raphael Kellman, a renowned diagnostician and experienced physician in the field of foundational medicine, provides expert care, a listening ear, and a concrete diagnosis of your symptoms. 

To find out more, call our practice at (212) 717-1118 or inquire with our contact page, and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Looking Deeper: Better Thyroid Tests to Detect Low Thyroid Missed by Routine Tests

Fatigue, weight gain, poor memory, and hair loss? Your symptoms scream low thyroid. We hear you!

Are you experiencing unexplained fatigue, weight gain, hair loss poor memory gut symptoms? Can’t lose weight no matter how little you eat? Your symptoms are screaming “low thyroid,” and we hear loud and clear. We understand the frustration of routine tests that miss the diagnosis and with doctors who fail to hear.

Routine thyroid tests often miss the mark, leaving many patients without the answers they desperately need. Dr. Kellman, a pioneer in functional medicine and an expert in thyroid disease, has an uncanny ability to detect underlying health problems like low thyroid that others overlook. Known as a great diagnostician in functional medicine both for the deeper tests he uses and his intuitive understanding of what’s happening at a deeper level. One such test is the TRH Stimulation Test the absolute best thyroid test that most doctors do not know of or have long forgotten. This test is a game changer in the confusion surrounding thyroid testing. While it’s an unknown test it used to be used years ago and research has confirmed that this test is crucial in situations like yours.

Dr. Kellman in general and with thyroid disease specifically uses a multi-modal approach has to understand and to see the underlying dysfunction and sees with 3D glasses to see the on first sight the unseen. First and foremost he doesn’t treat the labs; he treats you. Dr. Kellman knows the limitations of routine blood tests and understands the intricate thyroid pathways, which can’t be easily understood by routine blood tests.

Uncovering the Root Causes

Dr. Kellman not only identifies the condition but also reveals the underlying causes. The causes are his focus and its treatments can reverse the course of the unguiding you toward the right treatment to restore your health and put an end to your symptoms.

He doesn’t stop at diagnosing low thyroid—he uncovers the WHY behind it. This is where his expertise truly shines. Environmental toxins can be a cause, but with his knowledge of the Microbiome and the liver’s ability to detoxify, he can treat and eliminate these toxins. Whether the cause is Hashimoto’s disease or inflammation, Dr. Kellman’s understanding of the new field of the Microbiome shows him the path to help you get better—not just superficially better, but better at the root level.

Dr. Kellman understands your frustration when routine tests fail to show that your thyroid is low. He knows how demoralizing and misunderstood you must feel when doctors tell you everything is “normal,” even though you’re suffering from significant and debilitating symptoms. But you don’t have to live this way—Dr. Kellman has helped countless people just like you regain their health, and you can too.

Enough is enough. Go see the pioneer, go to someone who cares. Dr. Kellman will help you finally get better. Take the right path—it will change your life.

About Thyroid Disease

Thyroid disease encompasses a variety of conditions that affect the thyroid, a small, butterfly-shaped gland located at the front of the neck. Disorders of the thyroid can lead to either overproduction or underproduction of thyroid hormones. If you suffer from any of these symptoms, you might have thyroid dysfunction that warrants more precise testing:

  • Fatigue / low energy
  • Inexplicable weight gain or the inability to lose weight
  • Poor memory
  • Brain fog
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Constipation or other GI issues
  • Irregular periods/infertility
  • Hair loss
  • Depression, anxiety, or other mood changes
  • Cold intolerance
  • Tingling and numbness
  • Body aches or joint pain
  • Unexplained symptoms (which may include feeling “old” or “off,” a sluggish metabolism, skin issues, etc.

Why Is The Conventional Thyroid Testing Approach So Flawed?

​There are two main issues with thyroid testing through your routine blood tests:

  • Thyroid hormone levels fluctuate so your clinician may miss a transient low level. Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) is a common marker used to assess thyroid function, but many conditions can cause TSH to remain low, thereby masking the underlying thyroid dysfunction.
  • The “normal range” is somewhat arbitrary. (1) Dr. Kellman’s approach is that everyone’s “normal range” may be slightly different and therefore reviews each patient’s test results in conjunction with their symptoms. Further, symptoms appear well before the thyroid dysfunction is apparent on the routine thyroid panels.

Why Choose Us?

Better Testing

Dr. Kellman uses a different test called the TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) stimulation test, which can detect low thyroid functionality often missed by normal lab tests. The TRH stimulation test is by far the best way to not only diagnose thyroid conditions but also monitor treatment with the correct type of medication. During the test, Dr. Kellman will administer thyrotropin hormones through an IV and evaluate how the thyroid reacts to this boost in hormones. Most doctors, including functional and holistic practitioners, do not use this test. Dr. Kellman has been using this test for many years, and it has been a game-changer for his patients. Patients come to us from all over the world because of our incredible success in diagnosing and treating all thyroid disorders.

TRH Stimulation Test

The TRH stimulation test is much more accurate than routine blood tests for the thyroid, just like how a stress test can indicate more about heart function than a simple EKG. During an EKG, the machine assesses the electrical signals of the heart at rest, but not while the body is in motion. Similarly, conventional thyroid tests simply assess the circulating levels of various thyroid hormones and other markers in the blood at a specific point in time. The TRH stimulation test gives Dr. Kellman a better understanding of the thyroid’s overall functioning.

Abnormal TSH Production

When the thyroid is functioning properly, once circulating levels of thyroid hormone in the blood dip below a certain level, the pituitary gland releases TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone), which in turn stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroid hormones. However, in people with a low-functioning thyroid, there is impaired communication between the two glands, resulting in the pituitary storing excess TSH. The TRH stimulation test can be life-changing for those who have subclinical hypothyroidism, which affects around 12% of the general population. (2) This is a condition that often goes undiagnosed because blood tests find that thyroid hormone levels are normal, but TSH is elevated.

By administering thyrotropin hormones intravenously, the pituitary gland is stimulated to release stored TSH. High levels of TSH upon stimulation of the pituitary are indicative of a low-functioning thyroid.

Take control of your health today! Schedule a TSH test with Dr. Kellman.

Conditions of the Thyroid


Hypothyroidism results when an underactive thyroid fails to produce enough thyroid hormone. Some people have issues converting T4 to T3, which can also result in hypothyroidism. (3) Since thyroid hormone works on nearly every cell in the body, this condition results in the body’s processes all slowing down. One of the most common forms of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.


Hyperthyroidism is a condition whereby the thyroid gland produces too much thyroid hormone, which results in an accelerated rate of metabolism. This also includes Graves’ Disease, which is an autoimmune condition that accounts for about 60% to 80% of all cases of hyperthyroidism. Common symptoms include weight loss, heart palpitations, insomnia, anxiety, high blood pressure, and GI issues like diarrhea. (4)

Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome (NTIS)

Non-Thyroidal Illness Syndrome (NTIS) is a condition where the levels of T3 and/or T4 are abnormal, but the thyroid gland does not appear to be dysfunctional. Doctors commonly miss this condition, and many are not even aware of it nor understand how to diagnose or treat it. Patients often suffer from the symptoms of thyroid dysfunction; however, they are commonly misdiagnosed and therefore not properly treated.

Treatment Options

Dr. Kellman develops a customized and personalized protocol that addresses each patient’s condition and specific symptoms, which results in a much more successful outcome. Medicine of Tomorrow offers a variety of specialized and unique treatments, which can produce highly effective results when Dr. Kellman prescribes them in the right combination. Our treatment plans address the root cause of the thyroid dysfunction and resolve symptoms.

Much of Dr. Kellman’s success at healing his patients is due to the innovative treatment options available at his practice. These include: 

  • Compounded and/or armor thyroid hormones, which include both types of thyroid hormones- T4 and T3.
  • Natural compounds and nutraceuticals that aid in reducing inflammation are the root cause of many chronic conditions, including thyroid dysfunction.
  • Targeted probiotics that include specific strains of good bacteria to rebalance the gut microbiome. This treatment approach is important because overgrown, unhelpful bacteria can exacerbate the GI symptoms of hypothyroidism. (5)
  • Specific antioxidants target inflammation and help to counter oxidative damage to the cells.
  • IV therapy to deliver specific nutrients and natural compounds directly into the bloodstream. Several of the compounds can cross the blood-brain barrier to directly target and resolve inflammation and brain fog.
  • Peptide therapy. These small, naturally occurring proteins produced by the body can serve as signals to re-activate cells that have gone dormant or become dysfunctional.
  • Magnesphere uses electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to help enable the body’s ability to enter its “parasympathetic state,” which can help return the body to its natural healing state.
  • Nutrition and lifestyle support, including the microbiome diet, is specifically focused on supporting and balancing the gut microbiome so that it thrives and flourishes.

Personal Consultation

During your consultation with Dr. Kelllman, you will have the opportunity to discuss the symptoms that may be related to thyroid disease. He may review previous routine blood work to identify any obvious dysfunctions before recommending a TRH stimulation test. If he suspects that you may have an issue with thyroid function, he will help you schedule an appointment to undergo the test. After evaluating the results, he will give you an update on what they reveal. If it indicates a thyroid disease, he will give you his recommendations for the specific type/severity of your condition. He will be sure to educate you on what you need to know about your condition to fully understand his prescribed treatment protocol. Dr. Kellman will continue to monitor your thyroid functioning throughout your time at Medicine of Tomorrow.

To get started feeling revived and balanced with approaches that take into account your entire well-being as well as thyroid function, call Dr. Kellman’s practice at (212) 717-1118 contact form to book your appointment today.

Cost of Thyroid Disease Treatment in New York City

The cost of your thyroid disease treatment will depend on the protocol that Dr. Kellman recommends for your unique case. He treats each patient with the individualized care they need to correct their condition and relieve them of the bothersome symptoms of thyroid disease. Dr. Kellman will inform you of the total cost at the time of your consultation. We invite you to read through our blog to better understand his holistic approaches before scheduling your first appointment at our office.


  1. Taylor PN, Lansdown A, Witczak J, et al. Age-related variation in thyroid function – a narrative review highlighting important implications for research and clinical practice. Thyroid Research. 2023;16(1). doi: 
  2. Jansen HI, Boelen A, Heijboer AC, Bruinstroop E, Fliers E. Hypothyroidism: The difficulty in attributing symptoms to their underlying cause. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2023;14. doi: 
  3. Patil N, Rehman A, Jialal I. Hypothyroidism. PubMed. Published August 8, 2023. 
  4. Pokhrel B, Bhusal K. Graves disease. Published June 20, 2023. 
  5. Jiang W, Lu G, Gao D, Lv Z, Li D. The relationships between the gut microbiota and its metabolites with thyroid diseases. Frontiers in Endocrinology. 2022;13:943408. doi: