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Fatigue, Weight Gain, Poor Memory, and Hair Loss? Your Symptoms Scream Low Thyroid – We Hear You.

Looking Deeper: Better Thyroid Tests to Detect low Thyroid Missed by Routine Tests

Are you experiencing unexplained fatigue, weight gain, hair loss, poor memory, and/or gut symptoms? Can’t lose weight no matter how little you eat? Your symptoms are screaming “low thyroid,” and we hear loud and clear. We understand the frustration of routine tests that miss the diagnosis and with doctors who fail to hear.

Routine thyroid tests often miss the mark, leaving many patients without the answers they desperately need. Dr. Kellman, a pioneer in functional medicine and an expert in thyroid disease, has an uncanny ability to detect underlying health problems like low thyroid that others overlook. Known as a great diagnostician in functional medicine both for the deeper tests he uses and his intuitive understanding of what’s happening at a deeper level edit this One such test is the TRH Stimulation Test – the absolute best thyroid test that most doctors do not know of or have long forgotten. This test is a game changer in the confusion surrounding thyroid testing. While it’s an unknown test it used to be used years ago and research has confirmed that this test is crucial in situations like yours.

Dr. Kellman, in general and with thyroid disease, specifically uses a multi modal approach to understand and to see the underlying dysfunction, often the first to see the unseen. First and foremost, he doesn’t treat the labs; he treats you. Dr. Kellman knows the limitations of routine blood tests and understands the intricate thyroid pathways, which can’t be easily understood by routine blood tests.

Uncovering the Root Causes

Dr. Kellman not only identifies the condition but also reveals the underlying causes. The cause is his focus and its treatments can reverse the course of the un guiding you toward the right treatment to restore your health and put an end to your symptoms.

Dr. Kellman doesn’t stop at diagnosing low thyroid—he uncovers the WHY behind it. This is where his expertise truly shines. Environmental toxins can be a cause, but with his knowledge of the Microbiome and the liver’s ability to detoxify, he can treat and eliminate these toxins. Whether the cause is Hashimoto’s disease or inflammation, Dr. Kellman’s understanding of the new field of the Microbiome shows him the path to help you get better—not just superficially better, but better at the root level.

Dr. Kellman understands your frustration when routine tests fail to show that your thyroid is low. He knows how demoralized and misunderstood you must feel when doctors tell you everything is “normal,” even though you’re suffering from significant and debilitating symptoms. But you don’t have to live this way—Dr. Kellman has helped countless people just like you regain their health, and you can too.

Enough is enough. Go see the pioneer, go to someone who cares. Dr. Kellman will help you finally get better. Take the right path—it will change your life.