
Healthy Gut, Healthy Microbiome…Healthy Weight

I’m going to share with you two fundamental concepts about weight loss. These concepts seem simple—but it’s surprising how often they get left out when people are talking about diet. Yet if you don’t follow these two simple concepts, your weight-loss attempts are probably going to be unsuccessful, no matter […]

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Beauty Secrets of Your Microbiome

My patient Ruby was glowing. Her skin was radiant. Her hair was thick and healthy. It was as though she was surrounded by a shimmering aura of health. “All my friends want to know what my beauty secret is,” she told me on our last appointment. Then she laughed. “They […]

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Fermented foods and weight loss

Fermented Vegetables: Your New Weight-Loss and Beauty Aid You might already have heard that eating vegetables is good for your weight and for your health generally. But did you know that fermented vegetables are an even better weight-loss and beauty aid? The Power of Fermentation Fermentation is a process that […]

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Who Are We, Really? Maybe Our Bacteria Have the Answer

Most of us have grown up thinking of ourselves as an independent, autonomous. But what if we are really an interdependent, multi-organism we? The past five years’ explosion of research have revealed the importance of the microbiome, the community of trillions of bacteria that live within our bodies. We’ve learned […]

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A New View of the Gut: No More Blind Tubes

When I was in medical school, we spoke of the gut as a “blind tube” whose entire purpose was to take in food, break it down, pass it on to the body, and eliminate it. That negative view of the gut could not be further from the truth. Far from […]

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Nourish Your Healthy Bacteria and They Will Help You Lose Weight!

You may already have heard of the many health benefits of probiotics, the pills, powders, and capsules that contain millions of friendly bacteria. Since we depend on these bacteria to regulate our metabolism—among many other functions—replenishing our supply with probiotics can have numerous health benefits, including dramatic effects on weight […]

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5 Foods to Help Wean Yourself Off Sugar

My patient Lynette was almost in tears. “Every diet I’ve ever been on has failed!” she told me in frustration. “And it’s always for the same reason—my awful sweet tooth. I just don’t have any willpower.” “Lynette,” I said, “this is not your fault. It is not a matter of […]

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Butyrate: your new weight-loss secret

Wishing you could find a new way to break through your weight-loss plateau? Butyrate, a.k.a butyric acid, might be just what you’ve been looking for. A Miracle Prebiotic Butyrate is a prebiotic—an element that nourishes the friendly bacteria in your microbiome. Your microbiome is the community of trillions of microbes […]

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