
Our two ecologies

Something I like to tell my patients is that we are all profoundly affected by two ecologies. There is our outer ecology: the earth, air, food, and water that we depend for life. And there is our inner ecology: the community of trillions of bacteria that live within each of […]

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The New Breed of Weight-Loss Superfoods

One of the most exciting medical breakthroughs of the past decade has been the discovery of the importance of the microbiome. The microbiome is a community of trillions of bacteria living within each of us, playing a crucial role in many aspects of our health—and particularly in our digestion, metabolism, […]

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Probiotics vs. prebiotics: is there a difference?

One of the questions I get asked most often is about the difference between probiotics and prebiotics. I get it: the names sound pretty similar, and just from the name, it’s hard to tell exactly what either one of them is. These are two different items, though, and the difference […]

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Want to Lose Weight? Stop Taking Prilosec!

Weight Loss After Stopping Omeprazole One of the top-selling drugs in the world is Prilosec, a proton pump inhibitor (PPI) that decreases your body’s production of stomach acid. And one of the fastest-growing health problems in the world is the obesity epidemic, which is advancing by leaps and bounds. Is […]

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Lactobacillus Gasseri: The Miracle Weight-Loss Probiotic

A Japanese study last year found that a probiotic called lactobacillus gasseri can help you lose weight, especially right around your abdomen. Of all the different types of excess fat, belly fat is the unhealthiest because it is wrapped around your internal organs, impeding their function and creating inflammation, an […]

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Yacon: the new weight-loss miracle supplement

You might have heard about the connection between yacon and weight loss, a Peruvian plant whose root seems to have remarkable weight-loss properties. Dr. Mehmet Oz was so excited about this plant’s potential that he conducted his own experiment, which you can learn more about here. Dr. Oz asked 60 […]

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Kefir: yogurt’s secret weight-loss twin

Kefir (pronounced “kih-FEAR”) is an extraordinary beverage that is consumed in many countries around the world, especially in the Middle East, Russia, and the Balkans. A fermented milk drink that resembles a liquid yogurt, kefir has been enjoyed for centuries as a tart refreshing treat that leaves you feeling full […]

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Pumpkin pie pudding

This recipe is a gluten-free, microbiome diet riff on the classic pumpkin pie dessert is a delicious alternative to most sugar-laden third course options. Enjoy! Serves 6-8 Ingredients: 2 cups 100% organic, unsweetened pumpkin puree (butternut squash is okay to substitute) 1 cup plain sheep or goat milk yogurt, greek […]

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Thanksgiving On the Microbiome Diet

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and if you’re working on healing your gut through the microbiome diet you’re probably wondering (or anxious to show your guests) what dishes will continue to nourish and heal your unique microbiome while tasting as delicious and festive as this beloved meal ought to […]

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