
Delicious potato latkes

It’s hard not to love potatoes. They are just so versatile, so delicious, so good with…well…everything. We knew we were asking a lot of our readers when we removed potatoes (all of them) from the first two phases of the Microbiome Diet. Healing your gut and balancing your microbiome is […]

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Microbiome chocolate cake with chocolate ganache and raspberry coulis

MICROBIOME CHOCOLATE CAKE WITH CHOCOLATE GANACHE AND RASPBERRY COULIS Okay Microbiome Diet fans, you’ve waited long enough for your chocolate! With the New Year upon us it is time to celebrate! At The Kellman Center we’re enjoying Chef Carole’s delicious (and beautiful) holiday chocolate cake. Microbiome Dieter’s beware, this is […]

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Are you saying these five things? its probably your thyroid

While speaking with new patients, I often hear phrases that clue me in to the possibility that this is another undiagnosed low thyroid case. 20 million Americans are now affected by thyroid disorders and 1 in 8 women will develop one in their lifetime. Despite this, many doctors dismiss patient’s […]

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Is chronic lyme disease a myth?

By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine NYC The mainstream medical community has very clear-cut standards for diagnosing and treating patients who test positive for Lyme disease. On paper it seems quite simple-there are 2 tests for Lyme and patients must test positive on both to […]

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Paleo VS the Microbiome Diet

By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine NYC Paleo has been a trendy buzz word for the last few years sparking websites, books and a whole movement of meat based snack products like meat “candy bars” and snack sticks. Many patients come in following the diet […]

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Thyroid- The Missing Link in Gut Disorders

By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine NYC New patients often come in with a plethora of gastrointestinal complaints that they can’t seem to overcome no matter what new treatment they try, gastrointestinal specialists they see or foods they eliminate. It can be wildly frustrating and […]

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