
The matrix of chronic illness

By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine The body is a complex collection of interconnected systems, organs, impulses and cells. All of these parts work together to create our good health but also contribute to and create chronic disease. Chronic conditions do not occur spontaneously. No […]

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Spotlight on thyroid medications

By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine NYC A large portion of the patients I meet have some form of thyroid condition, usually low thyroid requiring medication. In most cases, patients who arrive at my office already taking a prescription will be on Synthroid or another […]

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The Root Cause Of Modern Illness

By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine For many years it was thought that bacteria of all shapes and sizes were the enemy. These tiny organisms were found to be at the center of disease and symptoms so medicine in all of its wisdom waged a […]

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The skin microbiome the unseen warrior

By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine The first thing we see in the morning when looking in the mirror is skin. We all tend to notice it’s condition, if it’s dry, looks rested or has blemishes. What goes unseen are the millions of bacteria, fungi […]

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An Exclusive Interview with Dr Terry Wahls

The Kellman Center sat down with Dr. Terry Wahls, an emergency room physician whose own diagnosis with Multiple Sclerosis propelled Dr. Wahls onto a journey of healing that led her to author of The Wahls Protocol. A Bit About Dr. Wahl’s Journey The Kellman Center: What was the most shocking […]

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The Secret Benefits Of A Healthy Gut Microbiome

By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine The gut microbiome and its power is one of the most exciting breakthroughs in modern times. Understanding the ways it can alter health for the better or worse can be life changing, inspiring us to take action to protect […]

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Gut Health and Depression

Depressed? It’s Not All In Your Head! Microbiome Medicine Can Help By Raphael Kellman, M.D., Kellman Center for Functional and Integrative Medicine There is a distinct type of depression that presents with characteristics of a mood disorder combined with symptoms of gastrointestinal conditions. This is bit different than what we […]

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Gut microbiome and weight loss

Boost Weight Loss By Revamping Your Gut Microbiome I meet a lot of patients interested in losing weight. Often they have tried several diet and exercise programs only to wind up exactly where they were when they started. Aside from the pounds they wish to shed, there can be many […]

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Ten Healthy Eating Musts for Autoimmune Disease

Stop eating processed foods Swap out processed foods for nutrient dense whole foods. Pre-packaged foods may be tasty and quick but they offer almost no nutritional value and are frequently loaded with unhealthy chemicals, salt and sugar. True nutrient dense foods such as colorful and deep green vegetables, long simmered […]

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Spotlight on Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease is one of a group of disorders known as an inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) which affects more than half a million people every year. Symptoms can be debilitating, such as: Standards of care today include different medications to control symptoms, like steroids, immunosuppressant’s, antibiotics, and biologics. Over time, […]

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