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PEMF – improving cellular health through magnetic fields

Every system, organ, and tissue is made of trillions of cells working together to create our bodies and their daily functions. Good health relies on the ability of these cells to communicate and carry out thousands of metabolic processes at any given time. All of these processes rely on cellular energy and the vibrancy of the chemical and electrical fields of each cell. Imperceptible changes deplete cells, make them less efficient, and more susceptible to toxins and infection by invaders. Cumulative damage and dysfunction leads to early aging, creates symptoms and causes disease. Like everything else, cells need a tune-up from time to time to ensure they are working optimally and maintain a supportive foundation for good health.

Give cells a boost with PEMF

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy is a clinically proven, safe, and non-invasive way to improve cellular function. Magnetic fields are created by all living things, including human cells. PEMF delivers short, magnetic, harmonic impulses that re-energize cells by triggering electrical changes to create a more balanced and vibrant state. This is different than therapies delivering an electrical current, which can burn or shock the receiver. By shifting the bio-magnetic state of the cell, electrical impulses are actually generated by the cells themselves. This is a healthy response that helps to clear toxins while restoring the ability to take in and utilize nutrients. Cellular metabolism is enhanced, ATP or cellular fuel is increased, blood cells regenerate and circulation improves increasing oxygen capacity. Every cell in the body can become supercharged working at a much greater level. PEMF is beneficial for all conditions including those chronic cases spanning years of discomfort. Additionally, the intensity of the pulses can be fine tuned so even the most sensitive of patients can benefit from the magnetic field comfortably.

Health benefits of PEMF

PEMF therapy has been around for decades and used extensively in Europe for injuries and healing. There are over 2,000 university level, double-blind studies showing the benefits of PEMF on a wide range of conditions. Currently in the United States, it’s FDA approved for bone fractures, mood disorders like depression and anxiety, urinary incontinence, and brain/cancer tumors. Every cell of the body can improve from this type of treatment and all illness can be helped by increased cellular function.

The Kellman Center is pleased to offer Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy as an additional support in our wide range of Alternative Medicine NYC healing modalities. Whether you are suffering from a metabolic disorder, healing from a chronic illness or acute injury, or just interested in improving health and slowing down the aging process, PEMF can help to achieve your goals, faster.