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The Novothor®: Activating Cellular Energy Production To Resolve Symptoms And Embark On Recovery

Want to reduce pain? Boost energy? Improve memory and cognitive function? Look and feel younger?

There is a reason that celebrities and high-performance athletes rely on NovoTHOR® technology to enhance performance, speed recovery and to slow the aging process.

What is NovoTHOR®?

NovoTHOR® is an innovative paradigm changing, whole body technology which uses non-invasive, deep electromagnetic photo-modulation to improve health on a cellular and genetic level. It accomplishes this by stimulating the mitochondria, also known as the “powerhouse” of the cell, to increase its energy production, repair DNA, enhance cell membrane integrity, improve cellular communication reduce inflammation and even change genetic expression. This multifaceted cellular change leads to a myriad of beneficial effects such as increased physical and mental energy, as well as reducing brain fog, inflammation and pain, and relatively quickly.

Due to the NovoTHOR® effects at a cellular and genetic level, it has the ability to positively impact many biological systems throughout the body, resulting in enhanced cognitive function (i.e. improved focus, concentration and memory), increased metabolism, enhanced cardiovascular function and fitness, as well as directly healing autoimmune diseases and even neurodegenerative diseases. 

Many people report that they can feel the cells responding and the healing process beginning. This deep rejuvenating effect feels like a reboot in only twenty minutes—this is the” Novothor effect.”

Unlike other treatments, the NovoTHOR® does not merely reduce or cover up symptoms, but it begins the biological healing process. It exemplifies Dr. Kellman’s philosophy and approach to health and healing: “Harnessing the Intelligence of Nature and the Power of Technology to Reverse the Course of Disease.”

Scientific studies have shown that NovoTHOR® is an effective treatment for:

  • Fatigue
  • Muscle pain
  • Brain fog
  • Difficulty concentrating and focusing.
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Inflammatory diseases
  • Brain inflammation, particularly from autoimmune conditions
  • Lyme disease neurological symptoms
  • Muscle spasms and recovery
  • Chronic pain
  • Arthritis
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Neuropathy
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Skin conditions like psoriasis and eczema
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Diabetes
  • General wellness and anti-aging, including reduced wrinkles, increased collagen production, enhanced skin elasticity and overall skin health.

The NovoTHOR® is one of the greatest, if not the greatest, non-invasive treatments that reverses an unhealthy biochemical biological course and significantly improves a myriad of symptoms relatively quickly. It plays a significant role in improving foundational elements in the healing process.

Want to take advantage of the healing technology that can reduce symptoms relatively quickly and provide a strong foundation for synergy with other treatments and reversal of disease?

Contact us at 212-717-1118 to learn more about how this innovative technology can help you or to schedule an initial consultation.